Solder Your Own Kampela @ETHDenver 2024


Our team attended ETHDenver, and we didn't come empty-handed! While AI is stepping in and making people lose their jobs, Alzymologist is stepping in to provide skills which AI will definitely struggle to replace (in the short term, at least)!

We hosted a unique series of events where participants learned how to solder their own Kampela, our vision of a blockchain transaction signer. Our team was there to guide and explain all the nuances of soldering, providing all the required tooling and parts so the participants could create and take home their own Kampela.

Thank you to everyone who joined us at ETHDenver. Your enthusiasm and willingness to learn made the event a memorable one. Now you are ready to solder your own ideas and well-prepared for the potential Zombie apocalypse.

Some pictures from the event:

